Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Confederate

pencil on 9x 12 inch Strathmore art paper

click on pick for sharper image

acrylic painting of same size     400.00

This pencil drawing was done on Strathmore 9”x 12”, 300 series paper. Also, I have included the original reference photo and a 9”x 12” acrylic painting also created from the same reference. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Charles Dana Gibson


This illustration is from Scribner’s magazine dated September- November 1890. It is by Charles Dana Gibson who did a series of pen and ink drawings depicting a day in New York. This particular image was labeled The Club.
The gestures, facial expressions and composition all work together to create a suggested narrative of psychological tension between the characters in this picture.
 You can enlarge the picture with a click of the mouse.  

Thursday, March 28, 2013